Find your reason for being!
Discover the Japanese secret to a long and happy life, and for that, head to Okinawa. The term Ikigaï is often translated as joy of living or reason for living. It includes the idea of having an ideal life but also a source of motivation.
According to the Japanese, we all have an Ikigai, and it can evolve at each stage of our life. These Workshops and training courses are offered to you with the N-ASS method, based on neuroscience and emotional intelligence.
Souscrire au cahier de vacances Iigai-Attitude
Souscrire au cahier de vacances Iigai-Attitude
Searching for your life path... In Okinawa, in the south of Japan, Ikigaï is often used to express a strong passion, the one that drives a lifetime, that makes us get up every morning. It is a part of ourselves, of our personality. If it can be achieved by practicing an activity or pursuing an ideal, it can also be found in much simpler activities, such as communicating with others, caring for others...
There are as many Ikigai as there are men and women on this planet. Practiced on a daily basis, it helps develop our potential, it also enriches the lives of those around us. Even more, it allows us to give meaning and coherence to the different actions of our existence and to maintain alignment in our life path.
This concept is particularly interesting and effective for people who are scattered, who have several passions or who feel lost in their lives.
Doing your Ikigai takes time, experience and a small dose of self-knowledge.
Ideally, to discover your Ikigaï, support from a competent coach is recommended.
What you like
What the world needs
What you are good at
What you get paid for
How to find his Ikigai?
By asking yourself these 4 fundamental questions:
1- “What do I like?” / “What are my passions, my values?”
To do this, think about the activities that give you pleasure, that make you feel alive, those that make the hours pass like seconds.
2- “What are my talents, my gifts?”
Help yourself, for example, with the compliments that outsiders or those close to you may give you, or what you do with ease and which seems complex to others.
3- “What does the world need?”
Match the answer with what you are capable of providing.
4- “What can earn me money?”
For who ?
Ikigaï is intended for people who want to give meaning to their lives and their professional lives.
The Ikigaï skills assessment is intended, among others, for people who:
Wonder about their professional development
Need to bounce back following a resignation or dismissal
Would like to change position or company
Want to retrain for another profession without really knowing what they want/can do
Want to boost their career
Ikigaï Junior or School Orientation Coaching is intended for adolescents, or young adults, to help them build a study and life project that suits them, in line with their values, skills and aspirations.
The health crisis that we have experienced has changed our relationship with work, its place in our lives and the meaning we give to it. Quality of Life and Working Conditions based on Ikigai is an effective tool for reconciling performance and well-being at work for companies and employees.
Simon, 45 years old
I came to this workshop a little out of curiosity without really believing in it. I thought it was still a fashionable concept, but useless. I was amazed. I thought I was in my place on a path traced by my parents and I was wrong. I finally found happiness in my private and professional life. I'm aligned, finally!
Nathalie, 41 years old
I was lost. I was coming to a turning point in my life where I had to make a decision to finally understand why I wasn't happy. Thanks to this internship, I found what I was looking for! I'm going to change a lot of things to finally blossom. Gratitude!
Laetitia 33 years old
I am very lucky to have found my Ikigaï without even knowing it! I realized this while taking a test during this workshop. My Ikigaï in life is versatility in creation. And that’s exactly what I do in my work as a journalist. Thank you for your listening and support, it’s great!
Stephen 24 years old
While searching for my path, I came across the concept of Ikigaï and I said to myself: it’s for me! From the first workshop, I saw things more clearly and I know today what I am made for. Thanks for the help!
The team
Maithe Quintana
Director and founder of the National Center for Pedagogical Innovation
Master Ikigai
Master Coach
Stephanie Nicol
Adult and Junior Ikigai Practitioner Coach
They trust us !
Contact form
Would you like information about Ikigaï? Leave a testimonial? Participate in a training or workshop? Make an appointment for coaching? Or ask us a simple question?
Contact us using the form below or by phone. We will answer you with pleasure.
For any information on our training, you can also visit the menu at the top “Discover Ikigaï”.
CNIP - 6 rue Marcel Langer 31600 SEYSSES
Customer service
Phone: 01 75 43 43 85