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Learn, innovate, transmit… It is to this winning triptych that Maithé Quintana owes her incredible journey.

Supercharged, brilliant and inspiring, this female entrepreneur started from nothing. Born in Toulouse in 1969, she suffered from learning disorders (multi-Dys and ADHD) which tarnished a school career that was as frustrating as it was disappointing. A painful past which will forge her character as a fighting and ambitious woman. A fertile ground from which she will draw strength and constructive energy.

At 16, Maithé Quintana happily left school and began training. It was with a simple BEP in secretarial work that she began her professional life. Very quickly, her potential is revealed in a universe that she tames with a turn of the arm. She very quickly discovered an unsuspected appetite for IT, which she took on at full speed.

From sales, she became head of the South-West sector at Club internet in 1998, before becoming sales director a few months later. In 2001, she bought Booster Group, a trade marketing agency, and brilliantly relaunched her activity as president. In 2008, she sold 40% of the capital and founded Dharma & Associés, a private investment fund. She also becomes a consultant in business crisis management and communication.

However, the economy and business are not his only passions. Her difficult childhood naturally pushed her towards psychology and neuroscience. In 2014, she founded the national center for educational innovation (CNIP), an adult training center based on the Neuro-Assimil method whose pedagogy is based on multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence coupled with Artificial Intelligence. Several types of training are offered in the fields of management, commerce, human resources, business and AI. Since 2022, the CNIP has opened up to skills assessments and professions linked to improving the quality of life at work (AQVT).

Curious about everything and hyperactive, Maithé Quintana sinks her teeth into the world of personal development. In 2015, she became Master Ikigaï and opened the international center of the same name. A unique structure in France, inspired by Japan, which allows you to discover your professional life path(s). In 2021, Ikigaï Junior is born. A version for 14-20 year olds concerned about “successful orientation”. Always guided by this desire to transmit, Maithé Quintana lends herself to the conference game, particularly around learning, Ikigaï and team stimulation. But not only. She also shares her unconditional love for computing as an expert speaker in InArtificial intelligence. 



  • Speaker & Trainer in Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence, Master Ikigaï

  • President & Founder



- IKIGAI International Center

-  DHARMA Investment Fund & ASSOCIATES

Maithe Quintana: love, business and transmission

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